as of April 2021

Papers in peer-reviewed journals

Hamidi D., Komainda M., Tonn B., Harbers J., Grinnell N.A. (2021) The effect of grazing intensity and sward heterogeneity on the movement behavior of suckler cows on semi-natural grassland. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 8, 639096. doi: 10.3389/ fvets.2021.639096 Open Access

Nölke I., Tonn B., Isselstein J. (2021) Seasonal plasticity more important than population variability in effects on white clover architecture and productivity. Annals of Botany. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcab040 ResearchGate

Schmiedgen A., Komainda M., Kowalski K., Hostert P., Tonn B., Kayser M., Isselstein J. (2021) Impacts of cutting frequency and position to tree line on herbage accumulation in silvopastoral grassland reveal potential for grassland conservation based on land use and cover information. Annals of Applied Biology. doi: 10.1111/aab.12681 Open Access

Tonn B., Komainda M., Isselstein J. (2021) Results from a biodiversity experiment fail to represent economic performance of semi-natural grasslands. Nature Communications 12, 2125. doi: s41467-021-22309-7 Open Access

Ebeling D., Tonn B., Isselstein J. (2020) Primary productivity in patches of heterogeneous swards after 12 years of low-intensity cattle grazing. Grass and Forage Science 75, 398-408. doi: 10.1111/gfs.12505 Open Access

Heshmati S., Tonn B., Isselstein J. (2020) White clover population effects on the productivity and yield stability of mixtures with perennial ryegrass and chicory. Field Crops Research 252, 107802. doi: 10.1016/j.fcr.2020.107802 ResearchGate

Hüppe C., Schmitz A., Tonn B., Isselstein J. (2020) The role of socio-economic determinants of horse farms for grassland management, vegetation composition and ecological value. Sustainability 12, 10641. doi: 10.3390/su122410641 Open Access

Raab C., Riesch F., Tonn B., Barrett B., Meißner M., Balkenhol N., Isselstein J. (2020) Target‐oriented habitat and wildlife management: estimating forage quantity and quality of semi‐natural grasslands with Sentinel‐1 and Sentinel‐2 data. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation. doi: 10.1002/rse2.149 Open Access

Schmitz A., Tonn B., Schöppner A.-K., Isselstein J. (2020) Using a citizen science approach with German horse owners to study the locomotion behaviour of horses on pasture. Sustainability 12, 1835. doi: 10.3390/su12051835 Open Access

Raab C., Tonn B., Meißner M., Balkenhol N., Isselstein J. (2019) Multi-temporal RapidEye Tasselled Cap data for land cover classification. European Journal of Remote Sensing 52, 653-666. doi: 10.1080/22797254.2019.1701560  ResearchGate

Riede S., Lindig C., Abel H., Tonn B., Isselstein J., Breves G. (2019) Effects of drought stressed temperate forage legumes on the degradation and the rumen microbial community in vitro. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition 103, 436-446. doi: 10.1111/jpn.13047  ResearchGate

Riesch F., Tonn B., Meißner M., Balkenhol N., Isselstein J. (2019) Grazing by wild red deer: management options for the conservation of semi‐natural open habitats. Journal of Applied Ecology 56, 1311-1321. doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.13396  ResearchGate

Tonn B., Densing E.M., Gabler J., Isselstein J. (2019) Grazing-induced patchiness, not grazing intensity, drives plant diversity in European low-input pastures. Journal of Applied Ecology 56, 1624-1636. doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.13416

Tonn B., Porath I., Lattanzi F.A., Isselstein J. (2019) Urine effects on grass and legume nitrogen isotopic composition: Pronounced short-term dynamics of δ15 PLoS ONE 14, e0210623. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0210623

Tonn B., Raab C., Isselstein J. (2019) Sward patterns created by patch grazing are stable over more than a decade. Grass and Forage Science 74, 104-114 doi: 10.1111/gfs.12389  ResearchGate

Becker T., Kayser M., Tonn B., Isselstein J. (2018) How do German dairy farmers perceive advantages and disadvantages of grazing and how it relates to their milk production system. Livestock Science 214, 112-119. ResearchGate

Raab R., Stroh H.-G., Tonn B., Meißner M., Rohwer N., Balkenhol N., Isselstein J. (2018) Mapping semi-natural grassland communities using multi-temporal RapidEye remote sensing data. International Journal of Remote Sensing 39, 5638-5659. doi:10.1080/01431161.2018.1504344 ResearchGate

Riesch F., Stroh H.-G., Tonn B., Isselstein J. (2018) Soil pH and phosphorus drive species composition and richness in semi-natural heathlands and grasslands unaffected by twentieth-century agricultural intensification. Plant Ecology & Diversity 11, 239-253. ResearchGate

Scheile T., Isselstein J., Tonn B. (2018) Herbage biomass and uptake under low-input
grazing as affected by cattle and sheep excrement patches. Nutrient Cycling in
Agroecosystems. doi: 10.1007/s10705-018-9945-3 ResearchGate

Dickeduisberg M., Laser H., Tonn B., Isselstein J. (2017) Tall wheatgrass (Agropyron elongatum) for biogas production: Crop management more important for biomass and methane yield than grass provenance. Industrial Crops and Products 97, 653-663. ResearchGate

Nüsse A., Linsler D., Kaiser M., Tonn B., Ebeling D., Isselstein J., Ludwig B. (2017) Effect of grazing intensity and soil characteristics on soil organic carbon and nitrogen stocks in a temperate long term grassland. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 63, 1776-1783. ResearchGate

Tonn B., Thumm U., Lewandowski I., Claupein W. (2012) Leaching of biomass from semi-natural grasslands – effects on chemical composition and ash high-temperature behavior. Biomass and Bioenergy 36, 390-403. ResearchGate

Tonn B., Dengler V., Thumm U., Piepho H.-P., Claupein W. (2011) Influence of leaching on the chemical composition of grassland biomass for combustion. Grass and Forage Science 66, 464-473. ResearchGate

Tonn B., Thumm U., Claupein W. (2010) Semi-natural grassland biomass for combustion, influence of botanical composition, harvest date and site conditions on fuel composition. Grass and Forage Science 65, 383-397. ResearchGate

Tonn B., Thumm U., Claupein W. (2008) Verbrennungseignung von Landschaftspflegeheu. Pflanzenbestand und Schnittzeitpunkt als Einflussfaktoren auf die chemische Brennstoff­qualität. Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung 40, 367-372. ResearchGate

Papers in peer-reviewed conference proceedings

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